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From the ELC and Primary School Principal

Gearing up for Future Change

There certainly is a lot happening at our St John’s Campus at present.

Fences have been erected, demolition is underway, earthmoving machines are preparing for new foundations, high-vis vest numbers are on the increase, new access points have been created to the school and specific areas within the school and some staff have been temporarily relocated to accommodate the planned building activity.

Our students are excited by all of this building activity and also with the tangible knowledge that they will start accessing a range of wonderful new facilities during 2022.

Our St John’s Campus has certainly seen some changes over the past few weeks as we commence the first stage of our exciting new redevelopment project. While some of these changes create a few short term challenges, the ultimate result for our students will be significant and extremely positive for their learning journey into the future.

If you have a few minutes tomorrow morning, please join us for Chapel in the courtyard, followed by a barista-prepared coffee and a chat about the redevelopment plans.

Along with these obvious physical changes to our campus, we are also preparing ‘behind the scenes’ for changes in staffing next year to help ensure that we are prepared for planned enrolment growth in 2023.

Next year we will be increasing our leadership capacity at the St John’s Campus to ensure strong support for our important educational and wellbeing foci that are part of our strategic initiatives.

Mr Buxton, who has been teaching part time in Year 2 while also supporting Ms Muldoon in the implementation of the teaching and learning program, will be moving out of the classroom to continue to support teachers in this area.

Ms Nicolette McClure, currently teaching in Reception, will move from the classroom to work within the leadership team to help ensure a smooth transition into our planned enrolment growth starting in 2023.

Both Graham and Nicolette’s roles will also allow them to work closely with teachers to support the teaching and learning programs for all of our students.

Next week I plan to announce the new staff joining our teaching team next year.

I am certainly excited to be part of an educational community that is growing and developing in so many ways that will better serve our students into the future. Our exciting new facilities along with our increasing staff capacity will certainly help support the future delivery of a ‘vibrant education, rich in opportunities delivered within a caring, supportive environment, empowered by the love of Jesus Christ’.

I look forward to journeying with you into our exciting new future.

Michael Paech
Principal - St John's Campus