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Our ELC and Primary School students and staff celebrated Harmony Week from Monday 28 March until Friday 1 April.

Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

During the week, students and staff were immersed in many learning tasks and activities.

Our daily devotions and our Chapel time were around the theme of Harmony Week. We heard about how God made us all different and that we all belong because we are all God’s children and He loves us unconditionally.

We gathered together daily online to listen to picture books being shared from different leadership members about all our connections together at Concordia and how we all belong.

Students participated in a range of games from different cultures, including Greece, Brazil, China and Belgium in fitness lessons and sport.

We enjoyed listening to different cultural music around the school during the day and there were activities in classrooms and at lunchtimes, including the many books on display in the Resource Centre that could be borrowed and read.

The final highlight was our dress-up day on Friday 1 April, were students were invited to come dressed in their traditional clothing of their family's cultural background or to wear orange, which is the colour of Harmony Week.

Harmony Week Team