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Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Update

We have been having a fantastic Term 1 at OSHC, and have been busy with lots of fun, exciting new projects!

Our new educational director, Liam, has created a new initiative to provide more fun ‘clubs’ and activities for the children. Each week, we draw two educators' names, and a club out of a hat. It is then their challenge to create a fun and new activity for the afternoon!

In Week 4, Sam and Isaac ran ‘STEM Club’. Using oil, water, food colouring, and Alka-Seltzer, the children made their own lava lamps. They loved looking at the colours moving under the light!

Following in Week 5, Alex and Jack ran ‘Arts and Crafts Club’ where the children created their own pottery sculptures. We can’t wait to see all the different creations decorating our OSHC room, veggie garden and fish tank! We have received great feedback from the children and families and can’t wait to see what other creative activities we can come up with!

We have welcomed two new exciting additions to the OSHC. Educator Bree has helped to set up a worm farm for composting and creating our own eco-friendly fertiliser for the vegetable garden. The children have enjoyed looking after the worms and learning about their role in creating a more sustainable OSHC. Sam has also been in collaboration with Nature Education SA to bring an Axolotl to OSHC. The Axolotl, named Tuna, will be with us for two weeks. Be sure to say hello!

Lastly, our leadership group recently enjoyed a professional development session with Nature Play SA. We learnt how to make outdoor cubbies, potions, and “meals” - all out of nature! We look forward to implementing these ideas in our service and are excited about all the play opportunities this brings.

We look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming Vacation Care, with lots of fun excursions and incursions planned!