Reconciliation is the responsibility of all Australians. Reconciliation requires the Australian community to recognise and respect the First Peoples of this land, to acknowledge the past injustices, and the ongoing inequalities, experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples since colonisation, and to commit to working towards a more equal and respectful future.
In the ELC, the children and staff are ‘being brave and making change’ by making our commitment to reconciliation visible to our local community. A ‘Sea of Hearts’ was installed out the front of the ELC and Primary School. It included the children’s words about how they commit to making change and showing respect to First Nations People. Families participated by sending in their comments about what reconciliation means to them. Our children start each day with an Acknowledgement of Country and are learning to say key words in Kaurna language. Respect and acknowledgement to our First Nations People is embedded into our everyday rituals.
Sarah Neill
ELC Coordinator