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Q&A with Sue Ninham, Visual Art Teacher

1. Where were you before this and what persuaded you to join Concordia College?

I have come to school teaching late in life. I have been a professional illustrator and visual artist for more than 30 years. I also taught at university for 15 years. In 2017 I completed my Masters of Teaching degree and since graduating have taught at a Catholic college and Adelaide Botanic High. I maintain a professional Visual Arts Practice whilst teaching part time at Concordia College. I was persuaded by a teaching colleague to apply for the Visual Art teaching position at Concordia.

2. Three words to describe you.

Creative, joyful, tenacious.

3. What is your motivation or inspiration in your role?

To impart the deep knowledge I have gained as a practising artist.

4. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Boundless energy.

5. Who would you invite to a dinner party of six guests and why? Alternatively, tell us something you might like to share that we could not possibly know?

I would invite Tilda Swinton, Wes Anderson, Ed Harris, Sam Shepherd, Patti Smith and Joan Miro because each of these people influence me creatively.