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Q&A with Rowan Brown, Design, Technology and Engineering Teacher

1. Where were you before this and what persuaded you to join Concordia College?

I taught at both Concordia and Prince Alfred College last year; however, I had the opportunity to return to Concordia this year. I enjoy working with great students and staff, and I appreciate the dynamic that co-education creates among pupils.

2. Three words to describe you.

Active, social, approachable.

3. What is your motivation or inspiration in your role?

I enjoy working with students to enable them to learn new skills and discover new talents and or passions. It is great to see the consideration and ownership students take of their projects during their time in Design, Technology and Engineering.

4. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

If I had a superpower I would like the ability to fly/teleport.

5. Who would you invite to a dinner party of six guests and why? Alternatively, tell us something you might like to share that we could not possibly know?

I would like the ability to fly/teleport so that I can easily travel to my parent's property on the great dividing range in northern NSW.