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Term 4 Chapel Theme: Ordinary people, extraordinary plan

Term 4 is often a time of great expectations of staff and students alike, especially as our Year 12s prepare for the end of their time at Concordia and their final exams.

At Concordia, we hold Chapel services three times per week before formal lessons begin. These worship services give us time to be blessed by God, but also offer staff and students the opportunity to serve the Concordia community with their musical and public speaking gifts as we reflect on the Christian values that are central to who are as a College.

The Chapel theme for Term 4 is “Ordinary people, extraordinary plan”. The Christian perspective on human endeavour is a refreshing alternative that allows people to appreciate the completely unique ways in which they have been made, acknowledging not only strengths, but also limitations. A Christian perspective is comfortable with recognising that sometimes we feel ordinary, and that is okay, because no matter how we feel about ourselves, God has created us to be part of his extraordinary plan. God is not bound by what we can or cannot do. In fact, God has consistently used “ordinary” people and situations to achieve “extraordinary” outcomes. To be loved regardless of whether we feel strong or weak, smart or foolish, capable or useless is an example of “unconditional positive regard”, something that is an essential component to human flourishing and wellbeing.

We hope that by the end of this term, students and staff will have a deeper appreciation for a Christian perspective of what it means to be truly “extraordinary”. Have a lovely term!

Dale Gosden
College Pastor