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United Nations Evatt Competition

Over the course of this year, Year 10 student Lily and Year 11 student Tahlia have had the privilege of participating in the United Nations Evatt Competition, a national event which involves working as a team to represent a different country in each round while debating and engage with various world issues, similar to the United Nations Security Council.

This prestigious competition involves over 1000 people and this year Concordia was fortunate to progress through the heats and semi-finals to the South Australian Grand Final.

After finishing with an Honourable mention at state level, we were excited to learn that Lily and Tahlia have been invited to represent South Australia at the National Final in Adelaide.

The girls’ involvement has provided them with so many opportunities to learn new skills in leadership, diplomacy and public speaking as well offering knowledge around international relations and law. On behalf of the Concordia community, we wish them all the very best as they prepare for the final stage of the competition.

Rick Sommariva
Legal Studies Teacher