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Pedal Prix Round 1 — Mount Gambier

On Saturday 1 April, the school Pedal Prix team competed in the first event of the season at Mount Gambier. 22 students from Years 7–12 travelled to McNamara Park to compete in the eight-hour competition against 85 teams. Three teams competed throughout the day in the Middle and Senior School categories, with just over half of our riders experiencing their first Pedal Prix race ever. 

Mount Gambier provided dry but cold conditions with our teams reaching speeds of over 50km/h. All teams represented the College well both on and off the track. Throughout the day all teams were able to navigate the technical track with no major incidents, resulting in some great results. Our teams all finished in the top six for their categories. With lots of training and improvement to come, our teams are in a good position for the remainder of the season.

Thank you to the staff and parents who travelled with us and assisted in a range of roles over the weekend - it had a great community feel. We now look forward to competing at our next race at Tailem Bend on Saturday 20 May with our College having five teams competing.

TeamLapsPosition / Category
Veloci (Year 11-12)1205th (S3) / 13
Concorde (Year 10)1146th (S3) / 13
Shockwave (Year 7-9)996th (S2) / 14

Matthew Smart
Pedal Prix Coordinator