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From the Primary School Leader and Primary School Learning Leader

Strengthening Education through Parent Involvement at Concordia

We firmly believe that fostering a strong partnership between parents and teachers is crucial for the success of our young learners. Parents in our school community contribute in different ways including the following:

  • Guest speakers broaden horizons: Bringing guest speakers into the classroom creates an enriching learning experience that extends beyond the boundaries of textbooks. As a parent, you can play an integral role in connecting our students with experts from various fields. By sharing your professional knowledge, hobbies or unique experiences, you provide real-world context and inspire curiosity. Whether you are a scientist, artist, engineer or community leader, your contribution as a guest speaker broadens our students' horizons and exposes them to a range of career paths and life possibilities.
  • Being involved in your child’s learning: Talking to your child about what they are learning about and why. This may include staying informed about your child’s learning through the school curriculum dates, Learning Conversations, Three-Way Conferences or Student Led Conferences, Seesaw or Showbie.
  • Parent Support in Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group and deliverables: Our College Reconciliation Action Plan outlines specific goals and strategies to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and we believe that parent support plays a vital role in achieving these objectives. We encourage parents to join our Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group. This group collaboratively reviews the progress of our RAP and provides valuable input into the implementation of reconciliation initiatives. Your involvement in this group will contribute to creating a supportive and inclusive school community.
  • Class Connector and School Community Events: COVID-19 has taught us that a sense of connection is very important and reconnecting with families and rebuilding a sense of community is integral. We encourage families to connect with other families through Year Level Class Connector Events and School Community Events.

Benefits of Parent Involvement

Research consistently demonstrates the positive impact of parent involvement on students' academic success and overall wellbeing. By actively participating in your child's education, you:

  • Strengthen the parent-teacher partnership, fostering open communication and collaboration
  • Reinforce learning concepts, enabling students to grasp new ideas more effectively
  • Boost confidence and motivation, demonstrating the importance of education
  • Promote social and emotional development by creating a supportive learning environment.
  • Instill a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in students, leading to greater independence
  • Increase parental awareness of school activities, policies, and curriculum, ensuring alignment between home and school
  • Establish a sense of belonging for students, knowing that their parents are invested in their education.

Remember, your involvement doesn't have to be limited to the examples provided. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference in your child's educational journey. We encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher or the school administration to discuss opportunities for involvement that align with your interests and skills.

We wholeheartedly thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to working hand in hand to provide the best educational experience for our students.

Yoon-Ah Lee
Primary School Leader - St John's Campus

Nicolle Jakube
Primary School Learning Leader - St Peters Campus