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Year 11 Steps to Success Day

25 May 2023

On Wednesday 10 May, the Year 11s participated in Steps to Success Day. In the morning, students attended presentations on setting oneself up for success, and organisation and time management. These sessions were led by Sam Ghamrawi, Founder and speaker of Sekseed Projects, who is highly regarded in his field. A range of Old Concordians also spoke about their Senior School experiences and post-school pathways, providing tips about how to achieve success in Senior School and the different options available to students following Year 12.

In the afternoon, students took part in one elective designed to promote relaxation techniques and another elective activity focusing on fitness and/or leisure. Relaxation electives included:

  • yoga
  • music for relaxation
  • walking
  • meditation
  • mindful colouring. 

Fitness and leisure activities included:

  • volleyball
  • netball
  • weights training
  • games and puzzles
  • karaoke
  • cooking. 

Students enjoyed the opportunity to 'switch off' from their daily routine, try new activities and relax with their peers, and the efforts of staff to organise and lead these activities are greatly appreciated.

The program for this day was developed to respond to issues commonly identified as challenges for Year 11s in their transition to the Senior School. We are looking forward to the opportunity to build on this day, supporting the students to develop schedules and strategies that assist them to study more effectively and foster their wellbeing through leading a balanced life.

Judy Harris
Year 11 Leader