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Restless Dance Theatre Workshop

8 June 2023

On Thursday 1 June (Week 5), St John's Campus Year 4 students participated in an incursion with Restless Dance Theatre. Year 4 students were lucky enough to have two expert facilitators from the company take them on a creative, physical, expressive and imaginative journey.

Larissa McGowan and Zoe Gay (Old Concordian from the Class of 2014) engaged students in choreographic devices, creative body-based movement and imagery techniques to assist students in devising movement.

Students expressed themselves through a range of specifically designed tasks such as adventuring through a forest, painting on canvas and tracing objects in the room. The Year 4 students enjoyed sharing their creations, giving them a sense of belonging.

Restless Dance Theatre is a unique company that fosters inclusion, diversity and equitable opportunities for everyone living with and without disabilities. Visit the Restless Dance Theatre website for more information.

We are feeling a great sense of gratitude for our creative dance workshop experience with Larissa and Zoe.

Kindness and peace,

Carla Bigiolli
Primary School Dance and Drama Teacher