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Year 3 Excursion to Cleland Wildlife Park

23 Nov 2023

Over the last six weeks the Year 3 students at St John’s Campus have been exploring the Central Idea that ‘Humans create systems of classification to help them understand the world around them and the relationships within it’ for the How We Organise Ourselves Unit of Inquiry. Students have investigated and organised a number of different objects and ideas, such as classifying words, subtraction strategies, plants, animals and fossils.

As a culmination of this learning, on Tuesday of Week 4 the Year 3s journeyed up to Cleland Wildlife Park to meet some of the native animals and explore the classification of these living things. They fed kangaroos, got to pat koalas, saw pelicans being fed, viewed a magnificent variety of birds, and got up and personal with animals in nature. The students all had a wonderful time and came away with many stories to share. Thank you to Cleland and their staff, and all the fantastic parent volunteers and school staff, that helped make the day a success.

Daniel Halman
Year 3 Teacher - St John's Campus